Manhattan Foot Specialists
  • MIDTOWN 51 EAST 25TH, STE 451 New York, NY, 10010
  • UPPER EAST SIDE 983 PARK AVE, STE 1D14 New York, NY, 10028
  • UNION SQUARE 55 W. 17TH ST STE 106 New York, NY, 10011
Your hammertoe surgery specialist offers the newest treatment options (minimal incision, no scar) for patients dealing with foot deformity of the second, third, or fourth toes. At Manhattan Foot Specialists, we perform the latest minimally invasive hammertoe surgery techniques, also known as no scar hammertoe surgery, only when conservative (non-surgical solutions) don't relieve your pain.

hammer toe Specialist

Board Certified, and Highly Rated Foot Surgeon

  • Minimally Invasive Technique
  • Minimal Scarring
  • Aesthetically Pleasing and Pain Relieving Solutions
  • Return to Work Sooner
Manhattan Specialty Care in the Press Manhattan Specialty Care in the Press
Our highly rated best-in-class surgeon blank Dr. Rimawi Board Certified, and Highly Rated Foot Surgeon Dr. Rimawi, a top-rated hammer toe surgeon, chooses a procedure that corrects your foot deformity (hallux valgus) with minimal scarring and recovery time. We carefully plan each hammer toe removal procedure in order to achieve the most optimal cosmetic result.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities
  • Convenient Locations
  • Convenient Appointment Times

minimal to no scar! Pain relief! Beautiful results! Schedule Consultation hammer toe surgery before and after hammer toe surgery before and after hammer toe surgery before and after

What Is Hammer Toe Surgery?

A hammer toe is a foot deformity where the toe becomes bent at the joint. It often causes pain and is associated with corns forming over the toe. Not only are hammer toes painful, but they also cause a lot of people embarrassment. Conservative treatments include stretching, orthotics, padding, and strapping of the toes. If you have tried these conservative treatments without relief of symptoms, surgically straightening the toes may be a good option for you. Our doctors at Manhattan Foot Specialists perform Minimally-invasive (hidden-incision) hammer toe surgery. All symptoms should always be evaluated with a thorough consultation and examination by your podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan to exclude any underlying serious condition.

What Is Hammer Toe?

hammertoe is a toe that curls or is buckled. This condition can be very painful and make fitting into shoes difficult. This deformity can cause painful callused skin lesions called corns. See a Manhattan hammer toe surgeon or your local foot doctor in New York sooner rather than later to treat hammertoes.

What Causes Hammer Toe?

Hammer Toe Surgery | Midtown Manhattan NYPeople ask hammertoe surgeons every day to explain what caused their toe to become bent like this. The hammer toe deformity occurs when the muscles that stabilize your toes lose the delicate balance between them and start to overpower each other. This causes your toe to bend or become stuck in a curled position.
This can become painful because the contracted toes bump against the top of your shoe. The ball of the foot can also become painful since the toes are not carrying any weight as they contract off the ground.

Get the hammertoes foot surgery you need in the safe, reassuring hands of the best podiatrists and hammer toe surgeons. Not everyone needs hammer toe treatment surgery, but if you do, come see our office and meet our leading toe doctors in New York.

It’s possible for conservative methods to help, but if your case is serious, your podiatrist may recommend surgery.

All symptoms, potential procedural/surgical options should always be discussed with your local hammertoe specialist after a thorough consultation and examination for an accurate diagnosis and hammertoes treatment plan.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★He was incredible! He was one of the kindest doctors and had really amazing bedside manner. He saw me immediately (there was no wait) and I never felt rushed at all. He was very intelligent and skilled in helping me with my problem and was very reassuring to all of my concerns. I highly recommend him if you need a podiatrist! 🙂

Diagnosis and Most Common Surgical Procedures

Our doctors at Manhattan Foot Specialists perform minimally-invasive (hidden-incision) hammer toe surgery.

Your hammer toe surgeon will need X-rays as part of your exam to evaluate the deformity in your toes. We recommend you consult our hammertoe doctor to get an accurate diagnosis. Your foot specialist will explain your hammer toe treatment options depending on your foot type. If you would like to have minimally- invasive hammer toe surgery this option is available!

There are several surgical techniques that your surgeons can use after determining that hammertoe removal procedure is your best option:

  • Arthroplasty is one of the most common podiatric surgical procedures. In this procedure, your hammertoe doctor removes a tiny piece of the bone from your misshapen joint, making your toe straight by removing the buckling effect.
  • Arthrodesis is a type of fusion used for the correction of a severe hammertoe. The joint cartilage is removed and the toe is pinned in a straight position. This pin is removed after your bone has healed generally at 6 weeks.
  • Tendon transfers can be performed independently or combined with other procedures. A tendon transfer is exactly what it sounds like — a tendon is harvested from under your toe and relocated to the top of your toe to help straighten it.
  • Weil osteotomy is another procedure that involves shortening the metatarsal bone if you are getting pain at the ball of your foot.

Hammer Toe Surgery Recovery

Following hammer toe surgery in New York, you can walk on your feet the same day as the procedure! After your hammertoe release surgery, you may be given a surgical shoe to relieve pressure while you walk. It is recommended to keep your foot elevated to above the level of your heart especially during the first week following the surgical procedure. Stitches are typically removed two weeks after the procedure.

Your podiatric doctor may recommend an exercise plan that is designed to stretch and move your toes. This helps you recover faster and maintain flexibility in your toes. While everybody heals at different rates, following the instructions of your podiatrist guides you to the fastest recovery time.

Recovery after hammer toe surgery begins as soon as your procedure is complete. Some swelling and pain in the area is to be expected, but the inflammation and pain diminish with time and you will be left with a painless straight toe.

Consult our Podiatrists or your local NYC podiatrist regarding specific post-operative instructions. No information on this site should be used to guide individual hammer toe treatment and all questions should be directed to the hammertoe surgery specialist in New York who you choose for treatment.

Potential Hammer Toe Surgery Risks

Possible complications following the hammertoe surgery procedure include infection, bleeding, blood clot, nerve or muscle damage, and return of deformity.  All possible complications will be discussed during a consultation with our Podiatrists, hammer toe surgeon in Midtown, New York.

Things to Remember About Hammer Toe Removal Manhattan

You can walk on your feet the same day as the procedure! After hammertoe surgery, you may be given a surgical shoe to relieve pressure while you walk.

Hammertoe surgery is usually not going to be your podiatrist’s initial treatment for hammertoe removal. A little care can go a long way. Following the advice of your top hammertoe doctor may resolve your symptoms without needing hammer toe correction surgery:

  • Better shoes are a must and are one of the first suggestions.
  • Non-steroidal non-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can reduce swelling and inflammation, but it may be necessary for your Manhattan podiatrist to relieve acute pain with cortisone injections.
  • A foot doctor can prescribe custom-made inserts that you can wear inside your shoes. Not only can they reduce pain, but they can also prevent your condition from getting worse.
  • Some over-the-counter inserts can help, but they aren’t nearly as effective as those custom fit by a hammer toe specialist.
  • Your podiatrist may also suggest exercise to help restore muscle balance.

If after your procedure, you experience burning, numbness, tingling or sensations that don’t improve with ice or elevation, contact your foot doctor immediately.

The Future Can Be Bright

When you’re tired of living with pain and discomfort, visit your hammertoe surgery specialist. Our highly experienced podiatry doctor in New York is ready and able to change your life for the better by resolving your foot problems, including any pain you experience on a regular basis. Just take the first step and make an appointment today.

Reducing your foot pain is a foot doctor’s first priority. Following the prescribed steps and hammertoe treatments laid out can speed up your recovery and ensure proper healing. Not everyone needs hammertoe surgery, but if you do, these procedures deliver positive improvements to your quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is hammer toe surgery painful?

Before or during the procedure some people receive intravenous (IV) medication. IV therapy helps a person feel relaxed during the surgery or it can be used to administer anesthesia. If the surgical intervention is done under local anesthesia, you should not feel any pain. But you may feel pulling or pressure. In general, you should not expect surgery to hurt. Once the procedure is complete, you may experience a certain degree of pain and you need to have someone drive you home.

Can hammer toes be corrected without surgery?

This condition tends to get worse over time but it does not always require surgery. If not treated in time, your toe joint might become fixed and need surgical correction to straighten it. The more you wear improper shoes and the longer you ignore the developing hammertoe, the more likely your toe will require surgical intervention to release the tendon. It is extremely important to seek medical assistance promptly if you notice any hammer toe symptoms. Even if you are being treated for this disorder but you notice that the condition gets worse over time or does not improve, you should talk to your foot specialist.

Is hammer toe correction surgery covered by insurance?

This procedure is generally covered by medical insurance or Medicare under the condition that it is performed for medical purposes. Hammer toe repair surgery is deemed medically necessary if:

  • You experience acute pain
  • The disorder affects your general foot health
  • The condition affects your balance

Keep in mind that you should not expect to get reimbursement if you undergo the procedure for purely cosmetic reasons. Out-of-pocket hammer toe surgery cost can be around $4,700, according to the Healthcare Bluebook.

Do you have any questions about the hammer toe correction procedure? Are you tired of looking for “the most effective hammer toe surgery near me”? Schedule an appointment with an internationally recognized hammertoe surgeon to experience the best Podiatry Manhattan has to offer. Please contact our office with multiple locations in New York City for a consultation.

DISCLAIMER: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The information on this website is to provide general information. The information on this website does NOT reflect definitive medical advice and self diagnoses should not be made based on information obtained online. It is important to consult a physician for a consultation and examination regarding ANY and ALL symptoms or signs you may be having. An accurate diagnosis and treatment plan should only be made by a qualified foot and ankle specialist in order to exclude a serious condition.